Why use Apistan?
- Still the world's benchmark treatment against Varroa
- High proven efficacy (up to 100%) in the absence of resistance
- Treatment can be made at any time of year
- Safe for bees and users alike, leaves no detectable residues in the honey
- Controlled release of active ingredient
When to use Apistan
Apistan can be used at any time of year but ideally bees should be treated at the end of the season.
How to use Apistan
- Insert two strips into the brood box for a period of six weeks (two brood cycles). This ensures that all emerging mites are killed and prevents reinfestation from within
- The strips should be inserted, spaced apart hanging on different frames fairly centrally in the brood nest where bees will walk over them
Advice & Tips for use
Vita has been monitoring the slow spread of mite resistance to pyrethroids for many years. Resistance is an entirely natural phenomenon and there are ways of slowing down its development.
An Integrated Pest Management strategy will vary treatment types from season to season and inhibit the development of resistant mites. Apistan and Apiguard are ideal alternating treatments where resistance has not yet become an issue.